Boost’s objectives
Our mission is to support talented young people from socio-economically underprivileged families and enable them to fully exploit their potential, obtain a degree or other higher education qualification and become role models whose success will inspire other young people.

Foster success
Support these youngsters during secondary and then further education, up to the moment they secure their first job.
Develop personal and soft skills
Self-confidence, study orientation, social responsibility and communication skills and social codes
Promote role models
Encourage our young people to become role models, both within and outside the Boost community, and to play an active role for other youngsters.
The Boost program
Boost represents an amazing opportunity, but one that requires long-term commitment. The program runs over a minimum of 6 years, which can be divided into 2 phases : Talent & Future.

Boost Talent
Period: 3 years
The first phase of the program starts at the beginning of the fourth year of secondary education and ends after getting the secondary school degree. During this period, Boosters are intensively supported.
Group coaching
Each year, some fifteen themed workshops are organised. The accent is on developing both hard skills (the knowledge and skills required to exercise a particular profession) and soft skills (the attitude and social skills necessary for effective collaboration). The subjects covered include educational success, mastering language(s) and communication, self-knowledge, time management, academic choices, teamwork and commitment.
Individual coaching
Each Booster is personally coached by one of our Boost Coaches, who are real experts in the field. These are people in whom the youngsters, their parents and teachers can have total confidence.
Material support
Each Booster is given a laptop and a printer at the start of his program. If necessary, we also finance an Internet connection. Besides, each participant receives a Boost grant of 2,400 euros, to be used to finance activities that will help develop his talents and discover new horizons through sport, cultural activities or language courses.
Collective framework
Individual coaching
Material support
Boost community
Boost Focus
Duration: 1 year
The second phase starts after completion of secondary education and finishes at the end of the first year of higher education.
A pivotal year
Moving from secondary to higher education is a landmark year for young people and so Boost attaches particular importance to this important transition period. During this year, Boost organises a number of workshops aimed at maximising the chances of success in higher education for the youngsters, and individual support is intensified.
Boost Future
Duration: 2 to 4 years
The third phase of the Boost programm starts in the second year of higher education. In this period personal coaching remains important. The number of collective activities is reduced (4 workshops per year). The accent for this period is on preparation for and transition to the labour market after graduation. The Future program ends when the young person graduates in higher education and secures his/her first job.
Those Boosters who wish for it are put into contact with a mentor who will support them during this important phase.
Role model
At this time, our Boosters also serve as important role models for other youngsters, both within the Boost program and outside it. They advise, encourage and share their experiences with other young people. Mutual help and solidarity are essential within the Boost community. This aspect of the program promotes our Boosters, whilst also making them aware of the role they can play in their respective environments.
Boost Alumni
Once the first job contract has been signed, our support reaches its end, unlike the precious bond that unites us.
A dynamic network
Our alumni network is composed of young, qualified, emancipated professionals, who are fulfilled and committed. They form a veritable talent pool. The objective is that these alumni continue to play an active role for future generations of Boosters, as well as more widely for other youngsters in general. They are our best ambassadors. They share their experience on many occasions, tell others their story, become mentors themselves and may even provide opportunities for new Boosters, such as internships or jobs. Our alumni can, of course, continue to call upon the Boost community across Belgium.